Chef Cooking Courses
Chef Streaming Chats: Generosity in Ramadan

Chef Streaming Chats: Generosity in Ramadan

Last Saturday 25 April, our CEO, Matteo Ressa and COO, Gaurav Gandhi, for the chef streaming chats sat down with two members of our Chef team to chat about the culture, food and traditions they observe during Ramadan. Let’s see what they shared!

Many of you might already know that Ramadan is the month where certain religions don’t eat food during the day. But after working on our first Chef Streaming Chat, I learned that there is a lot more to this religious holiday, which is observed by over 1 billion people worldwide.

A few facts

  • Ramadan is the ninth month on the Islamic calendar
  • It started on April 23 this year
  • Ramadan starts with the sighting of a new moon and confirmed by authorities in different countries
  • The religious holidays lasts 30 days in 2020
  • Fasting is done by practitioners throughout the month
  • Ramadan ends with Id al Fitr – a day of feasting
Now that we know the basics, let’s first listen to what Ramadan is and means to Chef Sherry Mesbah and Chef Hira Farrukh.

Breaking Bread before Sunrise for 30 days

Did you know that Suhoor is a time during Ramadan that people eat before sunrise, usually around 4 a.m.? This meal focuses on eating different types of foods to help people stay nourished throughout the day and prepares practitioners for 12-16 hours of fasting. What foods do people in Pakistan and Egypt usually eat? I think Chef Shery and Hira say it best.

Iftar - Breaking of the Fast Every Night!

Watch and learn what Chef Hira and Chef Shery eat in the evenings during Ramadan. BTW – Thanks Chef Hira for sharing your Iftar with us during our Chef Streaming Chat. Your food, definitely made us hungry!

Food Connects People

A common theme throughout our Chef Streaming Chat was that food is a medium of love that connects people, breaks down barriers and provides the fuel to celebrate and rejoice with family. I know that I am keen to learn more, so if you are like me, think about booking a class with either Chef Hira or Chef Shery and learn how to cook some popular Pakistani and Egyptian treats. Be sure to ask for Iftar dishes, as the food selection looks more varied and diversified compared to the Suhoor health-filled snacks and drinks.

Personal Takeaway: Be a Good Human

After supporting the ChefPassport team with this Chef Streaming Chat, I can share my biggest take-away. Ramadan is about practicing good deeds like charity and prayer. It’s a lot more about self-sacrifice, altruism and connection then it is about fasting and food.
Thanks to the Chefs and the ChefPassport team for giving me this Chef Streaming Chat assignment. I am looking forward to see which food, culture or tradition to discover on my next food assignment.
Chef Streaming Chats

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